Our company offers a new-generation composite high-temperature resistant and low oil bleed corrosion protection grease, developed with advanced formulas specifically for overhead line conductors and related accessories. This product is a cold-application, normal-temperature coating grease that can be applied directly without the need for heating, making the application process both simple and convenient. It provides long-lasting corrosion protection and salt spray resistance in harsh atmospheric conditions.
Color and performance parameters can be customized according to customer requirements to meet diverse needs.
Key Features:
1) Excellent High-Temperature Resistance
With a low oil bleed rate at high temperatures, it ensures stable retention under long-term operating conditions, providing continuous protection. The grease exhibits long-term thermal stability, making it suitable for conductor operation in high-temperature environments.
2) Outstanding Corrosion Resistance
It effectively protects against atmospheric corrosion and salt spray erosion, extending the service life of conductors and accessories. The product is waterproof, moisture-resistant, and salt spray-resistant, making it ideal for harsh environmental conditions.
3) Reduced Corona Effect
The product minimizes the migration of oil from the core to the conductor surface, reducing the corona effect and enhancing operational safety.
Used for overhead line conductors, ground wires, and related accessories.
No. | ltems | Unit | Parameters |
1 | Flash point | ℃ | >200 |
2 | Density | g/cm³ | 0.878~1.000 |
3 | Cone penetration 25℃ | 1/10mm | 300±20 |
4 | High temperature stability 150℃,1h | % | ≤0.2 |
5 | Low temperature adherence -20℃,1h | No evidence of cracking or flaking | |
6 | Drop point | ℃ | >240 |
7 | Oil separation 4 hours at 80℃ | / | ≤0.15 |
8 | Corrosion test | Level | ≥8 |
9 | Penetrability test after ageing 25℃ | % | Max±20 |
10 | Ageing | Pass | |
Note: Color and performance parameters can be customized according to requirements. |
Capacity 200L sealable straight open steel drum packing: net weight 180 kg, gross weight 196 kg.
1)The product should be stored in a clean, dry and ventilated warehouse.
2) The product should be kept away from direct sunlight and rain.
3) The product should be packaged intact to prevent moisture and contamination.
4) The product should be protected from heavy pressure and other mechanical damage during storage.
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